
What is Carkayous

Carkayous is a fictitious continent created by Jesse Smith (Ink Master | TV Celeb | Tattoo Artist) in 2009 for all of his tattoos and art to reside. The NFT space has proven to be a place where this continent can flourish. With thousands of characters already developed, in a plethora of different mediums which span from tattoos to digital art, Jesse is perfectly poised to enter the NFT space and hit the ground running.


Since the early 1900s, rumors of a continent that had been hidden from the rest of the world began to spread throughout South America. Many suspected that this continent was located to the West of the Galapagos Islands due to the many sightings of strange creatures that had washed up on the shore. There were even a few fisherman who claimed to have seen this mysterious continent and spoke of blue fauna, burning forests and mountain ranges that stretched across the horizon. They called it Carkayous.

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